Πέμπτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Chech-in The_Cαλονίκη

The project is about a check-in point for the tourists who arrive at the port of Thessaloniki in Greece.

Open coffee (http://opencoffee.gr), organized a meeting in the port of Thessaloniki for young professionals to show ways and propose ideas that would help the port of the city become more attractive for business and pleasure. NoScale have been invited to talk about an installation that could improve the port quality in a certain way. After research we came to the clue that tourists who arrive at the port have minimum information about the city and its activities . There is no information about the museums of the city, places they could visit or even a map to guide them. Given the fact that the major of the city has came to agreement with many cruise companies and it is decided that more than 30 ships with about 20.000 passengers are going to visit Thessaloniki during the summer our proposition comes to fill in that lack of information.

What we propose is an installation that is situated at the exit of the passport control and its purpose is to welcome the tourists. The installation is equipped with screens that play information about the city and helps each tourist decide what he prefers to do during his stay at the city (pic 2). With the help of WiFi everyone can download the information needed in a Smartphone or notebook and begin their journey in the city . At last but not least bicycles are offered to the visitors to ride through a city that tries to be environmental friendly in a stylish way. The installation is constructed with copper to meet the materiality of the port and uses photovoltaic in order to gain the power needed for the screens and WiFi system to work. To gain more sun power we treated the construction roof this way that it uses the sun as much as possible. The roof has taken such a shape that faces south so that the photovoltaic work as many hours as possible .

The installation is composed of modules that can be modified (screen, bicycle) and can placed next to each other to meet the amount needed at its case and place.

team George Klepkos - Stavros Paschalidis - Nikolas Plastiras

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